最引人注目的, 和独特的, 澳门新葡新京官方经历的一个方面是女孩们因为在学校的经历而发展出的惊人特质. Ellis students emerge with remarkable qualities that not only prepare them well for college, but that launch them to become truly remarkable young women. 这些自然会形成四大支柱, as reflected in our mission and vision statements: being committed and ready to make a positive mark on the world; having great confidence and a strong voice; being caring, 开放, and authentic; and having deep intellectual vibrancy and power.
创造一个能够培养学生这些品质的学习环境,要求我们在规划课程时将这四大支柱放在中心位置. It also requires that we recruit and support outstanding faculty, 作为一个教学团体继续学习和成长, 不断完善我们的课程.
我们知道,我们的学生将进入一个机遇和挑战并存的世界,这是我们任何人都无法想象的, 他们需要与各种各样的人合作,以便成功地抓住这些机会,并为这些挑战制定创造性的解决方案. The more experiences we can give them to tussle with unsolved problems, 在不同的团队中工作, 有信心承担适当的风险, 为自己和他人辩护, 更好的.
The wiser we are about understanding all the aspects of girls’ development, the more successful we will be in supporting their growth as healthy, 独立的, strong young women ready to step out into this ever-changing world.