


To sustain our vision and move Ellis along a path of continued innovation and excellence, 我们的战略重点分为五类.



最引人注目的, 和独特的, 澳门新葡新京官方经历的一个方面是女孩们因为在学校的经历而发展出的惊人特质. Ellis students emerge with remarkable qualities that not only prepare them well for college, but that launch them to become truly remarkable young women. 这些自然会形成四大支柱, as reflected in our mission and vision statements: being committed and ready to make a positive mark on the world; having great confidence and a strong voice; being caring, 开放, and authentic; and having deep intellectual vibrancy and power.

创造一个能够培养学生这些品质的学习环境,要求我们在规划课程时将这四大支柱放在中心位置. It also requires that we recruit and support outstanding faculty, 作为一个教学团体继续学习和成长, 不断完善我们的课程. 

我们知道,我们的学生将进入一个机遇和挑战并存的世界,这是我们任何人都无法想象的, 他们需要与各种各样的人合作,以便成功地抓住这些机会,并为这些挑战制定创造性的解决方案. The more experiences we can give them to tussle with unsolved problems, 在不同的团队中工作, 有信心承担适当的风险, 为自己和他人辩护, 更好的.

The wiser we are about understanding all the aspects of girls’ development, the more successful we will be in supporting their growth as healthy, 独立的, strong young women ready to step out into this ever-changing world.


  • Focus the School’s programming on prioritizing girls’ growth around our four pillars
  • 吸引、保留和发展优秀的教师
  • Launch a system of regular curricular reviews within each department that consider scope and sequence, 内容广度和深度的平衡, 文化能力的发展, 以及与发育相适应的严格程度
  • 加强跨学科, collaborative problem-solving experiences throughout all three divisions
  • Strengthen programming and experiences that develop students’ confidence, and their ability to speak up for themselves and others
  • Enrich students’ exposure to compelling female changemakers
  • 继续发展我们在儿童和青少年发展方面的专业知识,以进一步增强我们在支持女孩成长的各个方面的实力



我们知道,我们的学生受益于与各种各样的同学分享他们对学习的热爱, 体贴善良, and who are eager for the adventures learning and life have to offer. Ellis has a long tradition of attracting such students. We are particularly proud of the diversity of our student body. 我们喜欢说,在澳门新葡新京官方没有唯一的出路, and that we all benefit from connecting with people who are both similar and different from ourselves. Our students come from throughout the Pittsburgh metropolitan region, 并带来了丰富多样的人才, 利益, 生活经验, 和个性. We are eager for more families and girls to know about Ellis, 探索我们的学校和项目, and to become members of this dynamic and welcoming learning community.



  • Continuing to explore activities that increase community awareness and excitement about Ellis
  • 继续扩大夏令营项目,丰富现有学生的经验,吸引未来的学生
  • Enhancing intra-school communications about the entirety of the Ellis experience 
  • Examining opportunities for expanded early childhood programming



当我们反思澳门官方老葡京的校园氛围时, we focus on our core beliefs around what is best for students and families. 其中一个根深蒂固的原则是,当儿童和青少年感到受欢迎和被了解时,他们学习和成长得最好, 并且可以完全做自己.

其次, 我们知道,当成年人在学校和家庭中与他们的学习联系起来,支持和挑战他们时,学生们就会茁壮成长, and when there is 开放 communication between families and teachers. Families are most confident about engaging in that kind of partnership when they, 太, 在学校感到受欢迎和熟悉, 当他们对女儿的发展阶段以及学校课程和教学法背后的潜在原因有充分的了解时. 

澳门官方老葡京的另一个核心原则是成为一个多元化和包容性的学校社区的价值. 我们不仅知道我们的学生受益于社区学习与他人谁带来不同的观点和经验, 但是,作为一所为了提高女性获得与男性同等机会的能力而建立的学校,这在当时是罕见的,我们对公平和正义的重要性有着坚定而长期的承诺,以使世界成为一个更美好的地方.

我们为最近在围绕公平和正义创建学校和社区为导向的倡议方面取得的成功深感自豪, and we strive to become even more compelling leaders in this work.


  • Create an environment in which all students feel welcome, known, heard, safe, and treated fairly 
    • 为新生和在不同部门之间转学的学生提供持续改进的迎新课程
    • Prioritize community building within each grade level and division
    • 继续加强亲和团体规划
  • 创造一个环境,让所有家长都能舒适地参与到学校和家庭与学校的关系是健康和强大的
    • 持续加强家校沟通,加强与家庭的伙伴关系
    • 继续丰富学校和澳门新葡新京官方家长协会为家长提供的节目
    • 开发幼稚园到12年级的家长教育产品,支持父母在女儿的教育和成长的所有发展领域的合作伙伴
  • Establish the School as a leader in equity and justice initiatives
    • 建立学生文化能力学习的课程弧线,即培养学生理解能力的学习, 沟通, 并有效地与不同文化背景的人互动 
    • 努力招聘和留住能反映所有学生身份和生活经历的教职员工
    • Empower all faculty to adapt culturally responsive classroom practices and curricula
    • Continue to build programming for parents related to equity, inclusion, and cultural competency
    • 成立董事会多元化委员会
  • Build ever-stronger ties between the School and its alumnae and friends
    • Continue to explore alumnae and former parent programming, both on campus and in key cities 
    • 扩充校友会数据库,促进校友会校友之间的联系,加强校友会校友关系



We are fortunate to have a beautiful and welcoming campus rich in history, 同时还在不断发展,以支持我们对促进学生学习和社区联系的最佳方式的不断增长的理解.

We are particularly excited about recent updates to our most heavily used and cherished spaces, 包括图书馆和礼堂, both of which play a central role in the experiences of our students and families.  

Our future priorities related to campus facilities are clear. 我们致力于将我们的资源用于维护和创造物理空间,以优化学生的成长,并进一步实现我们成为一个欢迎和包容的学校社区的目标. 美丽的建筑和场地是美妙的, 但这就是在这些空间里发生的事情, 以及这些空间如何帮助建立社区, 这是最重要的.


  • 评估校园设施需求, prioritizing projects that will enhance student learning and school climate
  • Institute a maintenance plan that supports sustained upkeep of our existing facilities
  • Whenever possible, opt for environmentally sustainable construction



任何一所学校如果不把对学校未来财务状况的关注纳入战略计划,那就是疏忽了. 我们非常感谢我们扩展的澳门新葡新京官方社区以各种方式支持学校, and we take our role as stewards of that support very seriously. 我们致力于为学校的资金和运营制定清晰和可持续的计划,以支持我们对项目和学校社区的动态愿景, while guaranteeing a healthy financial picture for the foreseeable future.

Our priorities reflect our commitment in three key areas. 第一个, we believe it is crucial that we continue to be able to attract and retain outstanding faculty, 正如我们所知,教师是我们学生体验的核心——每天在澳门新葡新京官方的课堂上发生的事情, 以及师生关系, are what make Ellis the remarkable school it has been for over 100 years. 第二个, 我们致力于开发学费模式,使各种各样的家庭能够将他们的女儿送到澳门新葡新京官方. 最后, 我们相信,在我们所有的选民中建立一个强大的慈善文化,有助于加强那些关心的人之间的联系和社区意识, 和爱, 改变人生的学校.


  • Create a five-year financial model to guide the sustainable financial health of the School
  • Support compensation that attracts and retains outstanding faculty and staff
  • Support a tuition model that is sustainable for current and prospective families as well as the School
  • 增加非学费收入来源
  • Build a development program that supports the short and long-term goals of the School, 强调的:
    • Establishing a comprehensive major gifts program that supports all of the School’s fundraising efforts
    • 启动一个正式计划的捐赠项目
    • Focusing on targeted capital projects that enhance the student experience
    • Continuing to build robust donor participation among all constituents of the school community